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How do we fight online fraudsters?


How can we fight internet scammers? Actually, this blog will not teach you how to combat fraudsters, but it will help you understand why individuals like this exist and how essential our data is to us and them.

Base on what I've learned about them, fraudsters online are the criminals who is lurking in outside world. They're the people who earn money for using crime, Stealing information is their main goal. So why they exist? Scammers' goals are nearly often pecuniary in character. Scammers seek to separate their victims from whatever valuables they may own in one way or another. This might refer to actual cash, knowledge, physical items, or any other method of holding value.

People like these frequently hide behind candy and offer you special treatment. Have you ever attempted going to an unfamiliar website with advertisements stating "you've won a million dollars?" This strategy is known as smishing, according to what I've learnt. So, what exactly is smishing? Smishing is a phrase for fraudsters that is similar to clickbait. Elderly and children's are often victims of this kind of scammers strategy, since most of them have minimal knowledge online. Most of the clickbait leads to malware and others are just harmless yet manipulative, with the development of fake news, clickbait may be destructive. The absurd phony headlines incite readers' emotions, prompting them to share the information on social media.

Asking for advice? Be mindful, before entering the world of internet, gather information, LEARN and UNDERSTAND its principles. Learn the basics, discover their pros and cons. Think before clicking. Google is just right beside you waiting to be ask, use essential utilities to gather information, expect the unexpected and lastly, respect each other rights.
